Types of Haircuts

About graduated haircut and procedure for short graduation haircut

About graduated haircut and procedure for short graduation haircut

Graduated haircut: It is the type of haircut that includes different graduated layers, and this type of cut can be referred to as an angled cut or wedge cut. A graduated haircut is generally doing to a person who wants to keep hair layer long. It can be denoted as shorter hair that is cut at an angle.

Graduated haircuts allow the hair to move freely when compared to the straight and square haircut. First, the hair is separated by stylish into four different sections then the hair is cut at angle and section-by-section until all section has been properly trimmed. By cutting upwards, finally the stylish can effectively cut hair at an angle and creating a graduated haircut.

Step by step procedure for short graduation haircuts:

Many graduated cuts have a stacked area around the exterior. But the term short graduation haircut can refer to a wide variety of specific look. Here you are going to see how to create the short graduated layer in this step-by-step procedure.

  • Take the central part from the forehead down to nape and cut at the front.
  • Then comb and elevate the hair at 90 degrees to the shape of the head and blunt-cut the curve of the head. Continue this consistently towards the crown.
  • Keep the distribution and elevation at 90 degrees then continue to cut parallel to the shape of the head.
  • Decreasing the length and transform the layering Patten into graduation by changing the position of the hand.
  • Divide the center profile parting from the forehead to nape and then create two horizontal sections from the bone of occipital to the ears.
  • Graduate the nape area then take a slight diagonal forward section and elevate the hair to 90 degrees then blunt-cut to decrease the length.
  • Again change the hand position and repeat the same step on the opposite side of the head.
  • Now take the horseshoe section from the below crown to the high point of the recession area and continue working with slight diagonal forward section. Gain comp and elevate the section to 90n degree and follow it from the center and the nape.
  • Finally, repeat the same technique on the opposite side to get a short graduation layer.

Graduated haircuts are the kind of style can apply to hair that is in chin-length and longer. Generally, this haircut is worn by women with hair that is somewhere between chin and shoulder length. If you want more stylish hairstyle then you can choose graduates hairstyle.

Topics #graduated haircut